Privacy & Cookie Notice

Privacy Notice

This privacy notice applies to personal data processing by Sigma Consulting Srl (hereinafter referred to as “Sigma Consulting”) of users (hereinafter referred to as “Data subject”) visiting our Website according to EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”).

1.Data Controller

The Sigma Consulting Srl, whose registered office is at via Cavareno,13 – 00124., Rome, Italy, is the data controller who is responsible for your personal data. If you wish to exercise your rights or ask for more details just get in touch with our team (in particular with TBD) at

2.What data we collect

2.1        Browsing data

The IT systems and procedures for browsing websites typically acquire, during regular operations, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be associated to identified data subjects, but due to its nature can allow users to be identified.

This category includes a wide variety of browsing data such as:

  • the user IP addresses
  • the uniform Resource Identifier (URI) form addresses of the resources requested
  • the time of the request
  • the method used to submit the request to the server
  • the size of the file obtained in response
  • the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server
  • other parameters concerning the user operating system and computer environment

2.2 Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is stored by a computer when a website is visited by a user. Some of these cookies are necessary to the site to work properly, while others are useful to the visitor as they can safely store information such as user name or language settings. For further details see our Cookie Policy.

2.3 Data supplied voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary dispatching of electronic mail to the addresses indicated in this website causes the subsequent acquisition of sender personal data contained in the message (such as name, surname, addresses etc;).

3. Data processing purposes



The data provided for in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 are collected in order to make the website to work properly and to optimize the user experience.


The data supplied voluntarily by the user provided for in paragraph 2.3 is processed, lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in order to reply to the received requests, and in addiction in order to pre-contractual measures taken in response to the data subject requests.


The data supplied voluntarily by the user provided for in paragraph 2.3 might be processed for marketing communications and for offering new products and solutions. Before performing these marketing purpose actions, we require a specific unambiguous consent which is valid as long as you want to receive marketing from us.

  • Legal basis for the data processing and data transfer nature

Personal data processing for the purpose stated at 3.1 is made by the web site browsing as conclusive action: in this case, visitors and users agree to the hereby Privacy Notice for the processing of personal data provided for in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 exclusively for the purpose stated at 3.1.

With reference to the purpose 3.2 the legal basis is typically:

  • the data subject consent which is it is realized by the sended request.
  • The pre-contractual measure fulfilment

With reference to the purpose 3.3 the legal basis is exclusively given by data subject consent which is optional explicit and revocable at any time.

Data transfer is not mandatory while is necessary during the website browsing. Furthermore, an eventual denial of consent makes impossible, in some cases, to reply to your requests.

  • Process mode

Data is processed by electronic/automatized means by mode and procedure only for the purposed stated above as long as necessary and not more. In addiction, the personal data of data subject  are processed, according by Article 32 GDPR, only by identified subjects duly authorised to carrying out specific tasks and anyway in order to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Data transfer

Sigma Consulting does not transfer your personal data to parties established outside the European Economic Area (EEA) except in the cases provided for in the GDPR (Articles 44-49) and only for the purposed stated in the paragraph 3.

Data subjects have the right, at any time, to exercise their rights in accordance to paragraph 9.

  • Data retention

Personal data will be stored in a form that allows for identification only for as long as the personal data is necessary in connection with the purposes for a period related to the purposes and within 12 months from the last written communication with the data subject, or within the cancellation request.

  • Communication and diffusion

Sigma Consulting informs you that the collected data will not be shared with third parts without your explicit consent except that this transfer is needed for the purposes of carrying out the obligations and exercising specific rights for Sigma Consulting in the field of employment, social security and social protection law.

  • Data subject rights

At any time, according to Articles 15-22 GDPR, data subjects have the right to:

  • ask for confirmation of whether or not your personal data have been processed (GDPR 2016/679, Article 15 – Right of access by the data subject)
  • ask for having information about processing purposes, the recipients or categories of recipient to whom your personal data have been or will be disclosed and, when possible, the data retention (GDPR 2016/679, Article 15 – Right of access by the data subject)
  • ask for the rectification of your personal data (GDPR 2016/679, Article 16 – Right to rectification)
  • ask for the data processing restriction (GDPR 2016/679, Article 18 – Right to restriction of processing)
  • ask us to supply you with some of the personal data we hold about you in a machine-readable format to another organization (GDPR 2016/679, Article 20 – Right to data portability)
  • object to the personal data processing also concerning marketing purposes (GDPR 2016/679, Article 21 – Right to object)
  • object to automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you (GDPR 2016/679, Article 22 – Automated individual decision-making, including profiling)

Sigma Consulting points out that, if you are not satisfied, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, such as the Italian Data Protection Authority, “Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali“ (


Cookie Notice

This privacy notice applies to personal data processing by Sigma Consulting Srl (hereinafter referred to as “Sigma Consulting”) visiting our Website www.sigmaconsulting.itaccording to EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”.  In particular, it is given in order to specify every type and mode of cookie as well as for inform the data subjects of how they can deny the cookie installation or delete cookies from their machine.

  1. Definition

A cookie is a small text file that is stored by a computer when a website is visited by a user. Some of these cookies are necessary to the site to work properly, while others are useful to the visitor because they can safely store such as user name or language settings. Typically, a web brower is configured in a default mode, which allows sites to set cookies on your computer.


  1. Main Purposes

This website mainly includes first part cookies, which are directly managed by website administrator in order to ensure the website functions properly, to registry user preference and to improve the user experience.


  1. What cookies we use


This website utilizes the following kind of cookies:

3.1 Browsing cookies

  • Session cookies: they identify the user during his session on the website and allow his interaction with the same. They are deleted from the system once the browser is closed.
  • Technical cookies: they are used in order to perform the authentication and to access to multi-medial contents such as Flash Player.
  • Persistent cookies: they are cookies stored on your hard drive or on your device until you delete them, or when they reach their expiration date.


3.2 Analytics cookie

These cookies are used by means of Google Analytics to collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and on their ways of surfing the website.


  1. Legal basis and retention period

Concerning cookie type as in 3.1 the legal basis is, in general, the legitimate interest to the site browsing. Personal data will be stored for the whole session time except for persistent cookies.

Concerning cookie type as in 3.2 the legal basis is the data subject consent, which is obtained by a tracking banner (this consent is optional and revocable at any time). Personal data will be stored for the whole session time and even longer until the eventual withdrawal of consent.


  1. Managing cookies

For what concerns browsing data, the users can state their choices regarding the use of cookies by the Websites, also through the browser settings. In particular, the links reported below show the procedures to follow in order to configure the settings of the most used browsers:

  • Chrome:
  • Firefox:
  • Edge:
  • Internet Explorer: manage-cookies
  • Opera:
  • Safari: